What is the Armenian Evangelical Church in Syria Doing During the Crisis?

Dear friends,

We have been going through a terrible time here in Aleppo, Syria. Worse than any earlier time since Aleppo was dragged into this war back in July, 2012! But in spite of everything here we come with many greetings to you from Syria and especially from Aleppo. We thank you so much for praying for us and for our city Aleppo and for the whole country of Syria. When it comes to projects assisting afflicted Syrian Armenian families we prioritise the needs and try to cover each family’s basic needs. The aid-packets also reach families in different Syrian cities and towns, but as the situation in Aleppo is the worst we cannot but help locally as much as possible. Below we present you our ministries and their social assistance during the last four years:

1-Food Ministry: We as the Armenian Evangelical Community in Syria distribute food parcels on a monthly basis to 300 Armenian Families in Aleppo.

2-Milk Ministry: We provide milk on a weekly basis to 50 malnourished students in our Schools as well as we provide milk twice a year to 300 Armenian families in Aleppo.

3-Financial Aid to University Students: We distribute monetary gifts to 35 Armenian University Students in Aleppo to cover some of their educational expenses.

4- Bethel Polyclinic Ministry: During the whole year we also provide medical assistance for the sick. As we have told you before we have established “Bethel Polyclinic” to assist people who are in need of medical checkups and medical analyses and provide medication for chronic patients without payment. Bethel Polyclinic” has specialists in: General Surgery, Internal Medicine, Diabetes, Otolaryngology, Pediatrics, Orthopedics, Cardiology, Urology, Gynecology and Radiology. We are planning to extend the ministry of Polyclinic into different other specialties soon. Through “Bethel Polyclinic” We have also distributed medical eye-glasses to 150 individuals.

5- Water Ministry: During the times when no water at all reaches people’s homes we distribute drinkable water, each time 1,000 litres, to the homes of three hundred families. We have also helped 10 families financially to place water tanks on the roof of their buildings during this period of war.

6-Household Essentials Distribution: Periodically we have also provided 300 families with blankets, bed sheets and pillows.

7- Clothes Ministry: Periodically we have provided 300 children with winter clothes and sports shoes.

8- Cooking Gas Ministry: Periodically we have also distributed cooking-gas to 300 families.

9- Provide Living Expenses for Evangelical Families: Since July 2013 we provide financial subsidies to 135 families on a monthly basis, as well as the Social action committee of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in Syria also provides financial subsidies to 200 other families too.

10- Scholarship for Armenian Students: Every year since 2013 we also provide scholarships for 150 Armenian Students at Bethel Secondary School.

11-Financial Assistance for Displaced Families: We have helped 20 displaced families who have lost their homes and afterwards we help with their rent.

12-Christmas Camp; Easter Programs: On December 2015, we distributed winter pyjamas to 500 individuals as a Christmas gift.

13- Emergency Relief: On top of the monthly food rations we have also provided milk, chicken, eggs and cheese and vegetables to 300 families as an emergency relief when the City of Aleppo has been under siege.

14-Kids Program: Special program is being initiated to help children cope with the trauma situation and leading constructive activities to nurture their development through means of creating a healthier environment, which is quite a challenge.

15- Immediate Renovation Program: We have assisted 20 families whose houses have been destroyed from bombings.

16- Hygiene Distribution: Periodically we have distributed hygiene parcels to 300 families during the last three years.

17- Assistance for Electricity Payments: Every month since 2014 we give monetary gifts to three hundreds of families in order to pay for electricity from private generators.

18- Fuel Ministry: Periodically we have given monetary gifts to 300 families in order to buy fuel to heat their homes during the cold winter season.

19- Development Program: As a development program we have encouraged the ladies who we are in touch with to work on handicraft. We buy them wool so that they can prepare winter-hats and scarves and as an appreciation for their hard work we have given each one of them monetary gifts.

20- Visits:
*We pay home-visits to the single elderly people on a monthly basis.

Yes, we do mostly help the Armenian community in Aleppo and elsewhere like in Kessab, Homs and Damascus. We are Evangelicals but that does not mean that our help is only for Evangelicals. About one-third of the help goes to Evangelical families while two-thirds go to families from the Armenian Apostolic Church. Yes, some of the help also reaches needy Armenian Catholic Families as well as Arab Families in our neighbourhood. Through Bethel Polyclinic we do, however, meet needs of people that we have never been in touch with, as we provide so many much-needed services in a city with few doctors and even fewer hospitals and clinics. As we have told you before: "Our Help is a Reaction to negative Actions in our city!" With a Church and a School in our own compound and add to it a music conservatory you will realise that we reach hundreds of families on an almost daily basis.

God’s Blessings and Goodness,
Rev. Haroutune Selimian
Armenian Protestant Community in Syria
Tel: +963 21 4642 450 +963 21 4467 528
Fax: +963 21 460 73330
Email: hselimian@gmail.com
Bethel Church Facebook Account: https://www.facebook.com/bethel.church.180 YouTube address: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Rev.%20haroutune%20selimian &sm=3

AMAA Internship Program 2016

by Talar Haidostian
I had heard about the AMAA internship in the past few years, and knew how fun and beneficial it had been to the participants. And I personally witnessed the same this year. Christine Maamarbashi and I joined a group of young people who had come from different parts of the USA, and Canada. The two weeks that we had together were full of daily devotionals, sightseeing, fellowship, and ministry. We were also acquainted with the ministries of the AMAA and the ECA through visitations and seminars, which were very impressive and eye-opening.

One of the highlights of my trip was the 2 days that we spent in the Camp Sheen Shoghig in Hankavan. The setting of the camp was refreshing and the children’s smiles were contagious. They appreciated the simple gifts and were grateful for it. It was surprising and impressive to see how well the leaders had organized and prepared the programs for the kids, and how they were able to pass on the message of the love of Christ in a creative way. My favorite part of the camp was the time of worship, and I was happy to have the chance of leading one of the sessions with another member of our group. During our departure a bitter sweet moment was created, and none of us wanted to leave. The kids kept telling us to come again the next year, and some of the kids gave us small gifts; like sunglasses and crafts.

Another highlight of my trip was the time spent at the pastor’s garden in Armavir. This was a chance to celebrate the Armenian culture, and experience the Armenian hospitality through food, dance, and music.

This internship will leave a long term impact on my life as it came at a time when I was transitioning from high school to university, and I was ready to make the best of my summer time. I would like to thank the AMAA and the ECA for hosting us, and to Badveli Avedis Boynerian and the leaders for leading us in a smooth and caring way. This experience was unforgettable in which I made new friends, and grew one more step in my faith.

Worship time at camp Sheen Shoghig in Hankavan

At the Musa Ler monument in Yerevan, Armenia

At the Armenian Genocide Monument

Photos courtesy of Nicholas Manoukian

A VIP Seat

The 84th Commencement Service of Near East School of Theology took place on Saturday, June 18. The speaker was Preacher Najla Kassab, Director of Christian Education and of the Women's Desk for National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon.

by Preacher Najla Kassab

Mark 10:35-45
And James and John, the sons of Zeb'edee, came forward to him, and said to him, "Teacher, we want you to do for us whatever we ask of you." And he said to them, "What do you want me to do for you?" And they said to him, "Grant us to sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your glory." But Jesus said to them, "You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I drink, or to be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized?" And they said to him, "We are able." And Jesus said to them, "The cup that I drink you will drink; and with the baptism with which I am baptized, you will be baptized; but to sit at my right hand or at my left is not mine to grant, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared." And when the ten heard it, they began to be indignant at James and John. And Jesus called them to him and said to them, "You know that those who are supposed to rule over the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them. But it shall not be so among you; but whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be
slave of all. For the Son of man also came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." (RSV)

In the Final exam of the graduating class of Nurses, the students were surprised with a question in the Exam. The question stated, ”What is the full name of the person who cleans your room at the Nursing school". For the first glance the students thought it was a joke and many people thought that the professor is funny, till one of the students called out, “Teacher is the last question graded? Is it part of the Exam?" And the professor replied “Yes sure. Your future will not only rely on the information that you gained at the Nursing school but how you deal with people".

If this is true with the Nursing career what about serving the church. Your success is related to how you deal with people more than information.

Well do not understand me wrong especially after the many hours that you put in reading writing and studying, doing assignments and delving in these deep theological discussions and knowledge. I remember as a student at NEST when we decided as group of students to read the book “ The courage to be” by Paul Tillich . A book that was not assigned by professors but we chose to read it and sat in the coffee shop to discuss it. I remember that I read that book several times . We felt proud we were enhancing our knowledge, terminology and understanding. We were competing on who grasped the book well.

Do not understand me wrong, we come from a background that values knowledge and stresses the value of critical thinking and analyzing. We are proud of the academic level that you encountered at NEST but still your success will be related to how you deal with people. It is about people not information.

On the 5th of June last month a University in Lebanon announced to its Graduating students that if Your parents have a special position in society as a Mayor; Judge….please let us know to Provide you with VIP cards. (I looked to see if pastors were listed but they were not) My daughter who was part of the graduating class shared with me the reactions that the students expressed on social Media, about who is a VIP parent, is it the parent who worked hard to give their children education or is it only those who have gained status. Is this discrimination between students? Shall the protocol in the country be obeyed, or this is against equality that we talk about in Universities since the parents were attending as parents not as representatives of any institution. The whole country was involved, even the media was divided between those who thought that this was a wise decision and those who were against. In our prayer meeting in the Synod offices we were divided on this matter. Who is the real VIP, who deserves a VIP seat?

In the story in Mark 10 James and John came to Jesus with a request to grant one to sit on the right side and the other on the left side of Jesus in his glory. Despite the fact that their request could be seen differently by different people, some could see it as an organizational matter and others as an ambitious step by them, still no matter what the reasons were, no matter whether they asked for this for themselves or if their mother asked for it as in Mathew 20:21, their request relates to their understanding of who will be on the right and left side of Jesus. It seems that they were interested in having a VIP seat. Jesus tried to correct their perceptions. It seems that they were thinking of a VIP seat. Jesus posed a question to them allowing them to rethink what they were asking for:

You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I drink, or to be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized?" (verse 38)

If we reflect closely on the events of this story, we find that:

First: The request of the disciples happened on the road to Jerusalem, where Jesus was heading towards the cross. Jesus was hinting to his disciples what will happen to him,

“The Son of Man will be delivered over to the chief priests and the scribes, and they will condemn him to death and deliver him to the Gentiles; and they will mock him and spit upon him, and scourge him and kill him and after three days he will rise.” (33-34 )

The request of James and John was at a time of unrest and those who followed Jesus were afraid. That led the disciples to be confused about what Jesus was saying on the road, because things were mixed up to them. They believed that Jesus will be crowned king and therefore did not understand the meaning of glory that Jesus talked about. Had James and John understood what Jesus was saying they wouldn’t have asked for such a position. Who among us wants to sit on the left and right of a person going to the cross? The disciples were distracted on the way of ministry. Imagine, Jesus' mind was on the pain to come and the disciples' minds were on their personal status. I many times question myself whether we are in the same line of thought as Jesus. WE Many times think that we know…..

Second It is interesting to note Jesus' answer to them. He did not rebuke them but as usual, answered their question by another question. " Can you drink the cup that I drink, and be baptized with the same baptism? And the answer was we can (38-39). Jesus used here two Metaphors from the Jewish life: the metaphor of the cup and the baptism. When the king gave his guests the cup it was considered as a symbol of passing his experience to them. As if Jesus was asking them if they are ready to receive his experience and hold the cup from him. Or even to be immersed and baptized in pain with him and face hatred and death. So Jesus said to them, you do not know what you are asking for. To sit on the right and left of Jesus is to accept to hold the cup and be immersed in pain. And just at the end of the story we recognize that the journey of holding the cup started when the other disciples became angry with James and John for their personal request for VIP seat.

Jesus clarifies that to have VIP seat is to carry on with the experience that Jesus went through and even to serve and not be served. "Whoever would be first among you must be slave of all. For the Son of man also came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." v.44, 45

This is the model of VIP seat that Jesus was explaining to his disciples. Jesus shook the disciples' concept of power as gaining status; Power that is “Christ-like” has nothing to do with gaining status, but it is even the opposite. According to Jesus paradigm of power, to have power is to lose status. It is not only that you do not control people but even to serve the people and give your life for them. And when people are given a special position and status it is to be used for serving others.

Martin Luther King Jr. in his famous sermon "Drum Major Instinct" claims that in each and every one of us there is the instinct to lead the procession to be the drummer, who leads the group. Martin Luther stresses that we should not move fast to condemn James and John because in each and every one of us is an instinct of a drummer; a drummer who wants to lead and control. It is easy sometimes to point to others and forget our tendency to check our personal interests and intentions as individuals and communities.i

Martin Luther king calms our confusion about VIP seats to defend the fact that the problem is not in the VIP seat but rather when you are given a status a position how do you use it. Do you perceive yourself as a person who will serve or will be served? Do you yourself as gaining power or status, or rather as a person who uses your status, to give power for the powerless; to strengthen all those who are struggling, and to put in the right biblical words to carry the cup and be immersed in pain.

A few days ago as we had a retreat for the elders and pastors of the Synod, a pastor who serves in Aleppo talked about things that he did not learn at NEST. He said that they did not teach us how to provide cooking fuel to the people, how to know all about digging wells and providing drinking water to the people, how to climb a pick-up and distribute food. Sometimes ministry just opens new doors for using your talents, It is just the love of serving people that changes you; shapes you; and even surprises you.

I remember when I was at NEST I made an issue as a student as to why our work as women at NEST was to clean the tables after lunch when men had to sit on the front desk. Imagine that I was against limiting women to tables and food, and here I am now directing a Conference center that is so much related to feeding people and tables. I say this to explain when you love ministry you are changed, and many times you look at yourself and find you have changed.

Friends today you get your VIP seat. You are a Graduate from a known and Prestigious Seminary and you gain Status, and nothing is wrong with that. It is how you will use your status to serve the people that will decide if you will sit on the right side and the left side of Jesus.

You might get distracted on the way with different paradigms of power and status. Stay focused on Jesus' paradigm. Be a model for the world and do not succumb easily to worldly values . Be a light and trust that God will use you to change the world. The world needs you as serving leaders. Stay balanced between keeping up with your academic knowledge growth and spending time with people. And if you have to choose between the two choose the people.

For the women Graduating today. I say stay patient God has not finished with the church. Focusing on serving people will help you not to be distracted till the kingdom in Heaven be on earth.

Remember your success will be related to serving people.

One more question before you graduate, and it is graded. Do you know the full name of the person who cleaned your room at NEST?

To God be the Glory forever. Congratulations. Mabrouk.

i Martin Luther king JR and the Global freedom struggle “sermon the Drum Major instinct, 1968

An Interview with Sister Elisabeth Kaeser

Sister Elisabeth visiting the Armenian Evangelical Emmanuel Church in November 2011

For many years Sister Elisabeth served the children at the Mission House of Anjar. With the recent release of the movie/documentary 'Map of Salvation', and with her presence during the launch of the movie in Beirut, we took this opportunity to get to better know Sister Elisabeth, one of the last missionaries, who served and lived among the Armenian children and in close connection with the Armenian Evangelical Church in Anjar. 

(Interview conducted by Raffi)

Raffi- Can you tell us about your own background, and how you decided to become a missionary in Anjar?
Sister Elisabeth- Born in Thun/Switzerland, I grew up with one brother and three sisters. Happy childhood (without iPhone or TV !!), but beautiful nature around. Elementary and secondary school in our town. Working years. Then 1 1/2 year in England. The following ten years in Germany. There I met Pastor Meergans and his wife from Hilfsbund Mission. Through the Workcamp 1980,  Anjar had a lasting place in my heart. Still, when asked to work in the Little Boys Building, God had to prepare body, soul and mind. It took three years.

Raffi- How many years did you work as a missionary in Anjar?
Sister Elisabeth- From 1983 - 2007  (First half in Little Boys' House, second in the Mission House)

Raffi- What are your best memories that you still cherish? Can you tell us some of your interesting stories?
Sister Elisabeth- Memories connected with the little boys: e.g. when in 1992 I was in AUB Hospital with Hepatitis and received drawings and little notes from the boys. Also, many people visiting me, and Mrs. Kardjian calling every evening wishing a good night. This is unforgettable! Or how boys cared for boys (see photo). Or how one of the boys was imitating teachers in the building. Then the other boys asked him to imitate sister; he looked at me and...... refused. Another boy came back from Christmas holiday and brought me a little present. When I opened, it contained a lipstick!!! Later I heard that he had asked his mother to buy one for me, for he said to her that sister hasn't got any. In the following time I used "rouge" at least on several Sundays. My turn for a chapel service one morning at church. From our neighbor I had asked  a lamb to illustrate the biblical story. You would seldom have a hushed audience like those children. And the little lamb gave only a sound when I carried it out of the church. 

Raffi- What was the most difficult aspect of the mission work in Lebanon and how were you able to overcome them?
Sister Elisabeth- Every new beginning is difficult. Anjar was more than  a challenge to me. The first school year (1983/84) has been a struggle with the work (children and adults), language, culture, 'home alone' after 9.00 p.m. with a bunch of smart, active boys, who, after the second study time were up to all sorts of mischief, knowing very well my language problem!!!

Raffi- How strong is your connection with Lebanon, Anjar and your children who have become young men today?
Sister Elisabeth- Still considerably strong with quite a number of the now young men. We share by e-mail, apps, or use the phone, which is really amazing after they'd left the boarding some fifteen or twenty years ago. 

Raffi- What is your prayer that you would like to share with us?
Sister Elisabeth- pray for more children in the boarding
  -          more Armenian financial support of Anjar boarding and school
  -          Pastor Hagop Akbasharian, his wife and all who work in Anjar boarding, school and church

Friends since 1990

At the end of lands of Anjar (October 1995)




Palm Sunday


'Make a Joyful Noise', Nor Yerk's Concerts in Beirut

On 7 and 8 May 2016, the Armenian Evangelical Christian Endeavour Union with the sponsorship of Bashde.org organized Nor Yerk’s concert at Doctors’ Home, entitled ‘Make a Joyful Noise’.

Nor Yerk is founded by Rev. Nerses Balabanian in 1993, and has given concerts in various countries (France, Syria, Lebanon, Armenia, Georgia, USA, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, Australia, Iran, and Greece), singing Christian and Armenian cultural/patriotic songs and sharing the message of the love of Christ with everyone.

This time the Nor Yerk band included Rev. Nerses Balabanian, Rev. Nishan Bakalian, Houry-Dora Apartian, Gilbert Hovsepian, Rev. Hrag Karageozian, Aren Deyirmenjian, Shahan Kilaghbian, Garin Haidostian, Arek Karagoezian, Sevan Balabanian, Nanor Balabanian, Azad Balabanian who came from various countries to Lebanon, in order to share Christ’s love with their music, voices, messages, and to encourage the audience in their faith.

(L to R) Rev. Hrag Karagoezian, Houry-Dora Apartian, Arek Karagoezian, Rev. Nishan Bakalian, Gilbert Hovsepian

(L to R) Rev. Megerdich Karagoezian, Mrs. Seta Karagoezian, Mrs. Esther Kilaghbian, Rev. Soghomon Kilaghbian, Rev. Nabil Maamarbashi, Mrs. Silvi Avakian Maamarbashi, Mrs. Maral Haidostian, Mrs. Alina Megerdichian

(L to R) Rev. Hrag Karagoezian, Rev. Nerses Balabanian, Shahan Kilaghbian, Houry-Dora Apartian, Sevan Balabanian, Arek Karagoezian

Rebuking Your Brother to Regain Your Brother?

by RaffiChil
Can you imagine someone rebuking a very prominent person in society over a sin? It is highly probable that your first reaction would be, "Oh my, that's foolish", or perhaps, "Is he out of his mind chasing down a well known public figure?" Perhaps the more objective part of you would say, "He may be right, but does he really need to be so firm about it?"

The person I'm referring to here is none other than John the Baptist. Now, John has a very peculiar personality, he doesn't live the way normal people live and he doesn't even wear ordinary clothes, but rather unconventional ones, suitable for his life in the wilderness. He already has features that can be picked and easily pointed at. But John seems focused on his prophetic ministry, on something more important, more serious. Rather than succumbing to the norm and going along in society without being noticed, he does something unusual, he calls out Herod's sin.

Is he trying to get attention by stating the sin of the king of Judea?

In that period of time, and perhaps also today, people would question the motives of John the Baptist. However, all these questions about motives do not reflect upon the core of the matter, which is the truth that Herod had taken his brother's wife as his own. He was living in sin, and John the Baptist was admonishing the King. "For John has been saying to Herod, 'It is not lawful for you to have your brother's wife." Mark 6:18. Herod, as King of Judea, was to be an example to his people and respect the religious commandments and live a life of righteousness before God.

With John the Baptist there were no exceptions or special favours given to the upper echelons of society. Interestingly, we don't read anything about the Pharisees or Sadducees saying anything about the moral life of King Herod.

What shall we do then? Are we all called to be like John the Baptist in confronting our brother or sister who is living in sin? But who am I to point out someone's sin? Shouldn't I first be looking at the plank in my own eyes and hence my own sins (Matthew 7:3)?

On one occasion, Jesus says, "If your brother sins, go and show him his fault when the two of you are alone. If he listens to you, you have regained your brother." Matthew 18:15

On another occasion, Jesus says to the woman, "Then neither do I condemn you. Go now and leave your life of sin." John 8:11

Even Peter received the rebuke from Paul when he confronted Peter about his hypocrisy; eventually, Peter had to reconcile his daily actions with what he was daily preaching.

We have a loving God, who reproaches us and rebukes us in His awesome tough love, giving us the chance to repent and reconnect with Him.

AMAA Executive Director, Mr. Zaven Khanjian, Visiting Armenian Evangelical Emmanuel Church

On Sunday, 29 May, the AMAA Executive Director, Mr. Zaven Khanjian visited and preached at the Armenian Evangelical Emmanuel Church.

Mr. Zaven Khanjian preaching, deacon Samuel Svajian, Badveli Sevag Trashian

Lebanese premiere of the movie “Map of Salvation”

Haigazian University organized the Lebanese premiere of the movie “Map of Salvation”, on Thursday, 14th of July, 2016, in the ABC Grand Cinemas, Beirut – Lebanon.
The capacity audience of 350 people, filling two main movie halls, included religious leaders, among others Mgr. Gabriel Caccia, Ambassador of the Vatican, officials, community leaders, and supporters of the Armenian Cause.
Specially here were the narrator of the movie, genocide scholar Svante Lundgren from Finland, as well as the movie producer Manvel Saribekyan from Armenia.
“Map of Salvation” is a documentary produced by MAN Pictures, about the humanitarian wave of support and resistance during the Armenian Genocide. It tells the story of 5 women: Maria Jacobsen (Denmark), Karen Jeppe (Denmark), Bodil Bjorn (Norway), Alma Johansson (Sweden), and Anna Hedvig Büll (Estonia) who had left their comfortable lives in Europe and come to the Armenian lands, to devote their lives selflessly and unconditionally to the citizens enduring a genocide.

Svante Lundgren, Rev. Paul Haidostian, Manvel Saribekyan

Rev. Megerdich Karagoezian, Mgr. Gabriel Caccia, Rev. Paul Haidostian

President Haidostian's reflections:

The MAP OF SALVATION film (MAN Pictures 2015) is a contrast of maps.

The Armenian Genocide was planned and executed using clear maps and plots, yet partial salvation came through compassionate persons, organizations, and missionaries whose main map was that of the heart. It was faith, empathy and selflessness that moved them and penciled their saving map wherever the victimized and vulnerable children and women found shelter.
Screening the film at Beirut’s ABC Grand Cinemas on July 14, 2016 led me once more to appreciate the power of image, movement, music, word, story and voice all come together, and film director Aram Shahbazyan had successfully integrated them all.
A small part of the Genocide story was told, and a humble part of the heart-warming journey of the five women missionaries was presented. The large part was left to the viewers: to look back, to learn, to be thankful, to think about today, and to be inspired for tomorrow.
Film producer Manvel Saribekyan’s presence with us from Armenia, and film narrator Svante Lundgren’s personal message made our day much more meaningful.
Such films do not belong to the screens. They belong to our hearts. Manvel is a tireless producer and a man of vision, and Svante is a Genocide scholar and theologian who has enriched the MAP OF SALVATION through his personality.

The MAP OF SALVATION felt only like a start of a new journey to recapture the beauty of faith on the ugly pages of human intrigue. There is more to the story, and more in the story, waiting to be unearthed. 

Rev. Paul Haidostian, Ph.D.
President, Haigazian University

A Night with the Veteran Chanitzagans of the Armenian Evangelical Emmanuel Church

April 27, 2016 was a memorable day for the Armenian Evangelical Emmanuel Church Chanitz. More than 30 veteran Chanitz members gathered in the Youth hall alongside current youth group members to worship, socialize and dine together. The atmosphere was uplifting as veterans and current youth group members sang together, shared stories from years back and played games during the social time. This experience was very encouraging as it led to a new excitement that our youth group needed.

We would like to repeat such events and gathering at least once a year to keep the old and new generation in close connection. It will help us discover the past in order to move to the future carrying with us the legacy of the founders of Emmanuel Chanitz.

Badveli Sevag Trashian

Sunrise Worship Service at Kchag

Njteh Mekhsian (Armenian Evangelical First Church) leading the worship