Badanegan Doun and Camp Armen (Պատանեկան Տուն) 2

One day, Levon Nalband, who received his secondary education in Anjar, says:
- "Sir, on this forehead (showing his forehead) will be written Saint Levon."
He was saying this, because one of the boys had behaved inappropriately, and severely punished. His brother was sent to a Priest School, he was sent to Camp Armen (Badanegan Doun), where, later on he was elected as a committee member. Later on, he emigrated to Germany with his newly created family.
It's really great, in one year, the boys start to speak Armenian, they write and they read. Patriarch Shnorhk's translated 4 gospels are laid on the table at the Church's entrance, each for 1 lira. Levon has 10 lira, his father gives visits, coming from Gemereg, once a year. His wife is in a governmental hospital and her situation is not good. Levon says:
- "Sir, can I take 10 books from these, with my 10 liras?"
- "What are you going to do?", I ask.
-"During the summer, when I go to the country, I will distribute them there, my mother's brother is not a believer, he will go to hell, if he reads, perhaps he will believe and be saved."

Badanegan Doun and Camp Armen, Hrant Guzelian

*Translation by R. Chil.