Here's what Daren shares:
What do you think about Daren's message? Are Christians too busy with themselves and revolve only in their own circles?My first blog was a ‘Christian Blog’ in many senses. One of the things that I became a bit frustrated with over the two or so years that that blog was active was that I saw the majority of Christian bloggers gathering together to talk about subjects that related to them - but very little outward focus or interaction with the wider blogosphere.
My critique of Christian blogging is actually similar to my critique of much of what I see happening with the Church today - an overemphasis upon gathering together as believers - at the expense of ‘going into the world to make disciples’.My own understanding of missions is one that we’re called to:
- have Proximity - to go into the world, be near people, rub shoulders with them etc
- have Presence - build relationships, walk with people, hear what’s going on in their lives, share out lives
- be Powerless - (wrong word, but this is a 4 ‘P’ sermon) - to be humble, to allow God to be the great missionary and do his work and to allow the other person to have some power in the situation
- Proclaim - out of these other 3 steps we need to be ready and willing to proclaim the Gospel. I think that often as Christians we rush to the ‘proclaim’ stage but miss out on relationships
Source: Tim Challies