Our Lord’s love is so great. He led us all throughout this year until we reached its end with our graduating students. Saturday 21st of June 2008 was the end, the happy ending. It was the graduation of 13 grade 9 students who are preparing themselves to go a new school with new teachers, new administration, but we know that Torosian has prepared them well. Also 21 grade 6 students graduated and turned a new page in their academic life preparing to go to grade 7.
The commencement started with the entrance of the graduates, the national anthems, rev. Hovhanness Sevadjian’s prayer, the guest speaker, Mrs. Seta Pamloukian directed her word to the graduates, the school choir enchanted the audience with 2 songs, and then the grade 9-ers took their part in the commencement. The diplomas and prizes were distributed followed by principle; Mrs. Seta Karageozian’s ending word, the Rev. Sevadjian’s prayer and the exit of the graduates.
In the outer yard the graduates were congratulated, a cake was cut in their honor, balloons were sent flying up and all were invited to a reception at the end of the “big day”.

The commencement started with the entrance of the graduates, the national anthems, rev. Hovhanness Sevadjian’s prayer, the guest speaker, Mrs. Seta Pamloukian directed her word to the graduates, the school choir enchanted the audience with 2 songs, and then the grade 9-ers took their part in the commencement. The diplomas and prizes were distributed followed by principle; Mrs. Seta Karageozian’s ending word, the Rev. Sevadjian’s prayer and the exit of the graduates.
In the outer yard the graduates were congratulated, a cake was cut in their honor, balloons were sent flying up and all were invited to a reception at the end of the “big day”.