In the past, this was not the case at all. Usually, pastors served some amount of years within a church, and after a personal decision or Godly provision, he would relocate and start serving in a whole new church, specially if the relocation is accompanied with a change of the residing country.
Today, we are witnessing a new paradigm. In the past, the members who had created great bonds and fellowship with the pastor, were agitated by the fact that the relationship would end, and a new pastor would take the lead, hoping that the new pastor would be as close to them as the relocating pastor. While this was a difficult reality to cope with, still to other pastors, who have been facing issues within their church, they would be relieved, and would be able to leave everything behind, to start fresh from the beginning without being burdened by the experiences that exhausted him during his years serving in his now-leaving church.
Today, the past is inevitable, and in fact, it is still the present. Today, the relationships and the fellowships have the chance to continue, if not on real physical grounds, at least virtually.
With the advent of the hologram technology, pastors will be able to sit in front of their present-past church members and have fellowship in a virtual office and even provide counseling.
We are witnessing the transformation and we are living the new world. Are we ready for it?
Raffi Chilingirian