An Unprecedented Guest: Maya Zankoul, the Lebanese Cartoonist Blogger in Emmanuel Church

On Saturday, 27 Feb. - the Armenian Evangelical Emmanuel Church's Badaniatz organized and invited the Badaniatz groups of the Armenian Evangelical Church of Ashrafieh, the Armenian Evangelical Marash Church and the Armenian Evangelical Social Center at Trad, to attend the presentation by Ms. Maya Zankoul, a famous Lebanese Cartoonist Blogger, about her path and how she used her time and creativity to create unique cartoons, that shed light upon the social issues that the Lebanese community needs to address. She showed many of her cartoons and the subjects that she raised for awareness and social action. She also narrated how her blog eventually turned into a book, encouraging the junior youth to start blogging too. At the end of the session, Maya also showed her skills in using the Illustrator software to create her cartoons.

Right photo: some of the junior youth leaders, Mr. Shant Aynilian (Ashrafieh Church), Ms. Betty Kechejian (Ashrafieh), Ms. Maya Zankoul, Mr. Raffi Chilingirian (Emmanuel Churhc), Mr. Manoug Chilingirian (Emmanuel Church).