Cultural Event in the Armenian Evangelical Shamlian-Tatigian Secondary School

On Monday, 24 May, in the Hassessian hall of the Armenian Evangelical Shamlian-Tatigian Secondary School, a cultural event was held, presented by the students of the Elementary grades. The cultural event had the following theme: In school, the song is a way to rear Christian Armenian Lebanese generations.

In the 1st part, the 1st and 2nd grade students presented the "School Anthem" song, while the 3rd and 4th grade students presented the Ten Commandments.

After these performances, Mrs. Sossi Abouhanian, who has been teaching in the same school for 34 years, shared stories from her teaching years. She also confirmed that the Armenian song and culture has always been present and encouraged in Shamlian-Tatigian School, and that the students have been greatly appreciated whenever they had participated in cultural events.

During the event, 129 students sang many songs related to Tarkmanchatz, Lebanese Independence, Christmas, Vartanantz, Paregentan, April 24, and Mother/Father Day.

At the end, the Elementary students closed the event singing Sartarabad, with Armenian flags, and ending with the Armenian Anthem.

The principal of the school, Badveli Hrayr Cholakian, thanked all those who helped in making this event a successful one, Mrs. Sossi, and also the students and their parents. Afterwards, Badveli Hrayr closed with prayer.