The Armenian Evangelical Emmanuel Church's Junior Youth Group started this year with 27 teenagers and 7 leaders (3 of them as assistants).
The serving leaders are:
Jano Baghboudarian,
Markrid Markarian,
Koko Aynilian and
Jiro Ghazarian
The assistants are:
Rita Sourenian,
Kohar Apkarian and
Vicky Kalousdian
The first day of Badanyats took off on Saturday, November 5, 2011, which we started with a glorifying worship, then introducing the general schedule of the year, playing games and finally hospitality. This year we will study the Nooma sessions. These are short DVD sessions each concentrating on a specific spiritual subject that will be concluded by one of the leaders at the end of the session. As well as, different activities will be prepared by the leaders according to the need of the session that will help the teenagers to investigate the concept of the session in a practical way. We are thankful to God for His blessings and we want to ask you to pray for Emmanuel churches’ Junior Youths.
Thank you,
Badanyats Leaders

The leaders in the photo from front to back: Kohar, Markrid, Vicky, Rita, Jiro and Koko. Jano is photoshy.
The serving leaders are:
Jano Baghboudarian,
Markrid Markarian,
Koko Aynilian and
Jiro Ghazarian
The assistants are:
Rita Sourenian,
Kohar Apkarian and
Vicky Kalousdian
The first day of Badanyats took off on Saturday, November 5, 2011, which we started with a glorifying worship, then introducing the general schedule of the year, playing games and finally hospitality. This year we will study the Nooma sessions. These are short DVD sessions each concentrating on a specific spiritual subject that will be concluded by one of the leaders at the end of the session. As well as, different activities will be prepared by the leaders according to the need of the session that will help the teenagers to investigate the concept of the session in a practical way. We are thankful to God for His blessings and we want to ask you to pray for Emmanuel churches’ Junior Youths.
Thank you,
Badanyats Leaders

The leaders in the photo from front to back: Kohar, Markrid, Vicky, Rita, Jiro and Koko. Jano is photoshy.