“Experiencing God”

The objective of the Armenian Evangelical Emmanuel youth group is to present the gospel message to young people, giving them the opportunity to make an informed decision to follow Christ and to keep their spiritual fervor, “never be lacking in zeal” (Rom 12:12)
After finishing the “youth alpha” course, which is basically series of Bible studies and discussions about the basics of Christian living and disciplines, we wanted to do a special Bible study series that can uplift the life of our youth group and make it more enthusiastic , encouraging and supportive. During our meetings and prayer times we have always wanted to know and do the will of God. Having read the “Experiencing God” textbook written by Henry & Richard Blackaby, I’ve shared my vision to the chanits and suggested that it will be a good idea to study this textbook during our next phase. I wanted to experience God as a group and see where God is leading us. Is God still at work around us? How can we know God’s will in our life (as an individual and as a group)? Questions are very essential and personal in ones’ life.
Therefore, we have started studying “Experiencing God” textbook as of October3, 2010. It is a one year program. It has 12 units and each unit is composed by 4 chapters. The general objective of this textbook is taken from Psalm 25:4-5 which says:
“Show me your ways , Oh Lord
Teach me your paths.
Lead me in your truth and teach me.
For you are the God of my salvation
On you I wait all day long” (Psalm 25:4-5)

God’s ways are teachable and understandable. God is always at work around us. We can identify three similarities in the lives of Bible characters through whom God worked:
1. When God spoke, they knew it was God
2. They knew what God was saying
3. They knew what they were to do in response.

So far, we have looked to the different aspects of our lives, the difference between a self centered life and a God centered life. God’s plans vs our plans. Does God really speak today? How? What about our current circumstances? Subjects such as obedience and trust and adjusting your life to God are matters in which we have been regularly dealing with during our chanits Bible study sessions at the Armenian Evangelical Emmanuel Church.

At the beginning of each unit we have Bible verses, we encourage our members to memorize that verse and repeatedly remember it by next 4 session of each unit.

The sessions are on every Wednesdays from 8:00 pm till 10:00 pm. We start by having a worship session (8:00 pm - 8:30 pm) followed by textbook study and group discussion,

We are 25-30 young adults, boys and girls. You can always join on our Bible Study sessions. If your age is above 18 years old and if you would like to study “Experiencing God” with us, you are always welcome to join us on every Wednesdays.

On Saturday and Sunday (April 9 and 10) we are planning to have our annual chanits retreat at KCHAG (Lebanon) , the subject of the retreat is “God Speaks” Part 2 (taken from the “Experiencing God” textbook) we will dig deeper into subjects like God Speaks by Holy Spirit through the Bible, prayer, circumstances and the church to reveal Himself, His purpose and His ways. The speaker is our youth pastor Datev Basmajian. Please pray for us as we Experience God and be His light and salt in the small community of Amanos through the Armenian Evangelical Emmanuel Church.

In Christ,
Serop Ohanian
Chairman of the Armenan Evangelical Emmanuel Chanits

Alpha Course - Is there more to life than this?

The Armenian Evangelical Emmanuel Chanitz has taken up the internationally know Alpha Course. We are going to study this course as a youth group, all of us together in three groups.

Everyone is invited every Wednesday at 8:00 pm to come and participate in these studies.

We'll start with sandwiches and snacks, after which we will watch a video. Then distribute into the 3 groups and ask our questions about life and the meaning of life related to Christianity and the Bible.

Bring your friends with you :)

Bible studying is back :)

To all those who like to meet in groups and share their testimony and experience with God or have questions and doubts and would like to express themselves and seek guidance, you have good news... THE BIBLE STUDIES ARE BAAAAAAAAACK!

There will be 3 groups led by J. Kozman-Ohanian, S. Ohanian and S. Demirjian.

We will study the book of Hebrews and find out what it speaks to the youth of today.

Be there! We meet every Wednesday from 8:00 pm till around 10:00pm at Emmanuel Church, Amanos-Dora.
Bring your friends with you :)

Bible Study: Two kinds of Smart Living, James 3:13-4:12

Sometimes Christianity is portrayed as a matter of acting in self-interest. And the "health-and-wealth" gospel portrays this self-interest.
However, James' gospel involves humility before God. It means trusting him and putting others before ourselves.
If we come before God as God, rather than as simply a source of the pleasures we seek for ourselves, His holiness and purity will make us deeply aware of our sinfulness and selfishness.

Memory Verse: The wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. James 3.17

The best way to turn from self-oriented wordly wisdom toward the humility of heavenly wisdom is to serve others who cannot repay you. This week, do at least one act of kindness for someone outside your ordinary circle: visit an elderly shut-in, for example.